Cotton Auctions - Sat August 24, 2019

Auction Details

The auction is open to Canadian and US bidders.

Highlights include an 1860s Victorian Grandfather Clock; Antique Barometers; Cedar Adirondack Chairs from Tofino Cedar Company; West Coast First Nations Carvings; New High End Watches; Neon Signs; Vintage China inc. Royal Albert; Doulton Figurines; New & Used Tools; Furniture; Skids of Goods; Store Return Items; Paint Ball Gear; Gold Bar & Gold Maple Coin; Graded & Certified Comics; Vintage Toys; Autographed Hockey Memorabilia; Trading Cards; Hot Wheels; Antiques & Vintage Items; Silver Coins, Bars & Rounds; New Jewelry; Art and more!
The auction is held on Saturday.

Auction start time is 10:00 am. Viewing starts at 8:00 am on Saturday until auction start.
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Black Tempered Glass Table with Round Metal Base721 - Black Tempered Glass Table with Round Metal Base
Cotton Auctions and Appraisals - Port Coquitlam, BC
Store Return. Surface is 40" x 79"
Bidding Has Concluded
78" Long Resin Patio Sofa - Store Return722 - 78" Long Resin Patio Sofa - Store Return
Cotton Auctions and Appraisals - Port Coquitlam, BC
Bidding Has Concluded
2 Antique Oak Arm Chairs - One Has Casters723 - 2 Antique Oak Arm Chairs - One Has Casters
Cotton Auctions and Appraisals - Port Coquitlam, BC
Bidding Has Concluded
2 Adjustable Swivel Office Chairs724 - 2 Adjustable Swivel Office Chairs
Cotton Auctions and Appraisals - Port Coquitlam, BC
Store Returns
Bidding Has Concluded
6 Spawn & Other Action Figures725 - 6 Spawn & Other Action Figures
Cotton Auctions and Appraisals - Port Coquitlam, BC
3 Spawn, 2 Dark Ages, 1 Witchblade
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Magic Bullet - Store Return726 - Magic Bullet - Store Return
Cotton Auctions and Appraisals - Port Coquitlam, BC
Bidding Has Concluded
Tyco Nite Glow Race Track727 - Tyco Nite Glow Race Track
Cotton Auctions and Appraisals - Port Coquitlam, BC
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 20.00
3 x 5 Foot Wood Dining Table727a - 3 x 5 Foot Wood Dining Table
Cotton Auctions and Appraisals - Port Coquitlam, BC
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 20.00
Coleman 13" x 13" Eaved Shelter - Store Return728 - Coleman 13" x 13" Eaved Shelter - Store Return
Cotton Auctions and Appraisals - Port Coquitlam, BC
Bidding Has Concluded
Coleman 13" x 13" Eaved Shelter - Store Return728a - Coleman 13" x 13" Eaved Shelter - Store Return
Cotton Auctions and Appraisals - Port Coquitlam, BC
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 20.00
Coleman 13" x 13" Eaved Shelter - Store Return728b - Coleman 13" x 13" Eaved Shelter - Store Return
Cotton Auctions and Appraisals - Port Coquitlam, BC
Bidding Has Concluded
10 Piece Lot of New Metal Household Goods729 - 10 Piece Lot of New Metal Household Goods
Cotton Auctions and Appraisals - Port Coquitlam, BC
Galvanized metal planters, stainless steel basket, food warming cover
Bidding Has Concluded
4 Box Lot of "Record Breakers" Race Car Set & More730 - 4 Box Lot of "Record Breakers" Race Car Set & More
Cotton Auctions and Appraisals - Port Coquitlam, BC
Record Breakers track, power source, transformer, 10 cars and repair kit with extra plus box of Pixer race track.
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6 Assorted Electric Fans - Store Return731 - 6 Assorted Electric Fans - Store Return
Cotton Auctions and Appraisals - Port Coquitlam, BC
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 20.00
MakeSense Foundation, Lipstick and Blush732 - MakeSense Foundation, Lipstick and Blush
Cotton Auctions and Appraisals - Port Coquitlam, BC
Foundation, Hydrating Foundation, and blush. Overstock store samples. Never opened or used. 26 Piece lot.
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12 Oxgenetix Complete Coverage Foundation733 - 12 Oxgenetix Complete Coverage Foundation
Cotton Auctions and Appraisals - Port Coquitlam, BC
Sealed 15ml bottles. Taupe and Beige.
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 20.00
10 Lycolgel 30ml Breathable Tint for Face734 - 10 Lycolgel 30ml Breathable Tint for Face
Cotton Auctions and Appraisals - Port Coquitlam, BC
Light luminous coverage.
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 20.00
6 Piece Baseball Memorabilia Lot735 - 6 Piece Baseball Memorabilia Lot
Cotton Auctions and Appraisals - Port Coquitlam, BC
6.5" Ltd. Edition Mickey Mantle Plate, sealed package of 1989 All-Time Greats cards, plus 3 Mickey Mantle cards and 1 Yankee logo card.
Bidding Has Concluded
Two Vintage 12¢ "Superman" DC Comics736 - Two Vintage 12¢ "Superman" DC Comics
Cotton Auctions and Appraisals - Port Coquitlam, BC
1965 #181 and 1968 #211. In acid proof protective sleeves.
Bidding Has Concluded
Two Vintage 12¢ "Daredevil" Marvel Comics737 - Two Vintage 12¢ "Daredevil" Marvel Comics
Cotton Auctions and Appraisals - Port Coquitlam, BC
1966 #21 and 1967 #34. In acid proof protective sleeves.
Bidding Has Concluded