August 22nd - Pre Harvest Auction

Auction Details

Tractors: 4630, 1370 Case; Vers. 145 4x4; 1070 case c/w FEL; 88 Massey, gas, FEL; MF IND c/w FEL; Massey 750. Swathers: JD 800 diesel; CCIL550 gas. RHINO 21 TA disc; 1977 GMC 6500,366,roll up tarp low kms; 1962 Ford 1 ton B 12' hay conditioner; 9' NH trail haybine. Industrial: Manitou Zoom boom, man basket, PLE; Tandem axle dump trailer; Scaffolding c/w platforms; D7G brush rake, like new; 5th wheel 14' enclosed trailer; 800 lots of tool, etc. (2) 5th wheel holiday campers and much more.
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