Warehouse Clearout! Comics, Vinyl, Electronics, Collectibles & more - WE SHIP!

Auction Details

It's spring cleaning time at Storage Warrior and we have tons of collectibles & electronics we need to clear out! Snag signed hockey cards, comic books, stereo equipment, advertising, vinyl records, diecast, and so much more - this auction really does have everything!

Starting bids as low as $1!

Yes - we ship (most items) anywhere in North America.

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This auction has a SOFT CLOSE. If you bid within 1 minute of auction end, the auction will be extended by 2 minutes.

All items sold AS IS. Applicable sales taxes (Canadian buyers only) and 12% buyer's premium will be added at checkout. Shipping available on all items!
Auction items coming soon!This auction's items are not yet available to view online.
They will be listed here as soon as they are ready.