Kindness Online Art Auction

About Kindness Online Art Auction

This online art auction came to be as a result of our sister, Kathy Dornan’s, recent diagnosis of Stage 4 Ovarian Cancer. Her medical team advised a protocol of standard chemotherapy combined with naturopathic treatments and supplements. Since her condition is described as palliative, the oncologist estimated that she would require approximately 100K in order to fund the cost of the treatments, supplements, rent, and nutrition. A GoFundMe campaign has been launched and for more details regarding Kathy’s journey, please visit:
In addition to the GFM fundraiser, artists, photographers, jewellery and clothing designers were approached regarding an online auction. The kindness and generosity of these donors has been overwhelming. Your participation as a donor and as a purchaser significantly impacts Kathy’s healing journey. Please “share” this site widely as every dollar earned will ease the costs of her medical treatments. As you browse through this amazing array of talent hopefully you will find an item that finds a new home in yours! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your generous participation.

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